co v e r p ag e cont e st
circ l e o f l i f e
w inn e r
Anne Cameron Cutri
This painting was an exercise in prayer and meditation during
a high risk pregnancy. I had my one and only child when I was 39.
During that time I had a fibroid tumor that was growing as fast as
the fetus. For a time I had placenta Previa, and was told all kinds
of possible fearful outcomes. I used this painting and the painting
entitled “Birth” as prayer, meditation and focus on a healthy outcome
for my baby. This represents the circle of life in all its swirling energy.
The imagery includes a quilt that I designed when I was pregnant,
for an acquaintance, who said she could quilt it. As it turns out, she
couldn’t quilt it, so I decided to paint it. The other imagery has to
do with the sensations I felt in my body and around me. I made the
womb area a mandala that includes a cross and the Star of David, as
well as other light energy. It was if I
could feel the seed of life being fed
by the heavenly sources. I identified
“Don’t listen to what
with the Great Creator God, to align
they tell you, accept
what was growing inside me with
nothing less than what
perfect health. I didn’t consciously
you know is possible!”
think about it, but once the painting
- Anne Cutri
started moving toward completion,
I saw the sacred geometry in all of
life. Diamonds, squares, triangles,
pinwheels, all vibrating and moving about as if different dimensions
were moving simultaneously. I saw the swirling galaxies around and
inside me. I saw the light energy as golden raindrops feeding the child
within. I saw the nutrients and blood being drawn from my body and
giving life to the life inside me. My whole body was preparing for the
birth of this child, and giving it nourishment after she was born.
I thought about my own mother and her first pregnancy, which
was me, when she was 22 years old. How young she was. And then
not long after I was born, her father died. Birth and death in a close
circle in my mother’s life. Very early I learned one of my purposes.
To remind those around me about life, light, innocence, purity,
trust, joy, and love instead of the darkness of death. I thought about