The Circle of Life
At the beginning there was a sound, and the Sound was with God, and
the Sound was God.
For me sound and colour are the same, they are both vibration, they
are both frequencies, they are both vaves. They are both building blocks
of Light and Creation.
There were many circles of life here on this beautiful planet and
today, in our time, we are about to live yet another one: at this very
moment we are in the middle of the end of one circle and the beginning
of a new one – as a matter of fact we are actually at the end of muliple
cycles of human and cosmic history which all interact in the center of our
Milkyway Galaxy. And our planet is in the middle of it (for once science
and indigenous wisdom agree).
All of us alive at this moment on the planet are here for reason, all of
us has a task – at first to realize the fact that something unusual is going
on, that it is not just business as usual. Secondly, each of us must feel what
is her/his role, her/his task in all of this. How we can help in the transition
from one circle to another, to the one that is in it’s beginning stage so
that life, the consciousness, the light can evolve to another level, another
frequency, another dimension.
Merging male and female is of utmost importance because only
together can these two qualities, this two facets of existence breathe life
and give birth to a new world – harmonious, creative, gentle, world in
which everyone would find a place, world in which all the kingdoms
would live as neighbours in co-existence and co-creation. But before they
can merge we must help to heal a wounded male and strengthen a female.
And art is perfect for this task. Because: art ignites our initial spark of
existence, of consciousness, of home; art opens parts of ourselves that
have our hidden treasures which help us be more, be more whole, be holly,
be golden expression of love divine, of living light. Art is magic and
reminds us of our magic. Art is alchemy that transforms us from inside
out. Art is a game that helps us play, enjoy and live the innocence and
beauty of our pristine being.
They say a Golden Galaxy is being born and this is a new circle of
life indeed.
My piece of mosaic is soundhealing and painting. In the process of
painting I use sound, touch and feeling – or they use me because it is not
mental but intuitive. Sometimes before starting to actually paint I sing
to the canvas and put my hands on it so a certain vibration is there for
the painting to come into existence through colours. So the paintings are
alive and vibrant and fluid. The main colour in all of them is golden: gold
heightens the vibration and transforms our consciousness so that we can
remember where we come from and where we are headed.
To symbolise this I’ve chosen the painting which represents the circle
of life of animal kingdoms: it shows that they are all born out of Life, of
Life that circles in the spheres of creation, again and again creating new