american artist
Anne Cameron Cutri
oil on canvas
Anne Cutri has been pursuing her artistic endeavors for about 30 years. Her
work has always explored the inner landscape and the unseen. Mysticism a key
component and of late, prophecy, which orchestrates the symbolic and energetic
interpretation of her intimate relationship to the Sacred Trinity and biblical
teachings. Her preferred medium is oil on canvas, often mixing with other
mediums such as collage. Cutri has shown her work from Boston to Houston and
points in between, and is mostly self-taught. She is a member of Christians in the
Visual Arts (CIVA) and founded United Christian Artists Revolving Exhibitions
(UCARE), as well as Artists Who
Evangelize ((AWE), which also stands
for Art Worship Encounter, an arts
ministry which she co-founded at her
church in Erie, PA). Currently she is
pursuing a degree in Art Therapy, to
graduate in the spring 2014.
Artist Statement
Art has the power to heal and
transform. It can speak of things yet
to come and things that come from
within. Align yourself with the Holy
Spirit, and you have a great adventure.
My work is intuitive and attempts to
go beyond traditional interpretations
of the bible. To listen, hear, see the
Holy Spirit through scripture and
interpret its essence, not illustrate the
words. There are so many mysteries
that may unfold as one paints. Very
often I do not know the full meaning
of what I paint. If I have an inkling or a certainty as to what is before me, I may
or may not be able to articulate its meaning. The beauty of art, is that if you
create a living work endowed with the Holy Spirit, it should speak to the viewer
in their own particular language. If that is the case, you have done your duty as
an artist. Since I have attempted to give myself over to God completely, my work
is beginning to change. I pray I am able to do what I’m purposed to do through