Women in Art 278 Magazine March 2014 | Page 20

website facebook american artist linkedin Carla Golembe painting/illustration We live on an increasingly small planet in dangerous times. The state of our world is impossible to ignore. Some artists choose to chronicle the specific time in which we live, to reflect our history at this moment. I choose to paint imagery that transcends the moment. It is human and universal. My intention is to create a visual haven that encourages viewers to enter my personal vision, to relax, smile and breathe. My paintings are the product of my dreams and experiences. They speak of hope and love, of mystery and delight. My work expresses the harmony between individuals, between people and animals, people and nature, within a person’s soul. They are colorful and sensual, reflecting the beauty of my home and travels. Although the pieces express an optimistic attitude they are not naïve, rather they come from an understanding that pain and anxiety are part of life but joy is a more desirable place to dwell. My work is evocative rather than descriptive. My interest as an artist lies in expressing how something feels rather than what it looks like. Although the compositions are designed and defined often there is no gravity in my visual world. The figures may inhabit ambiguous spaces, places where earth, sky and water flow into one another and where light and darkness merge. They are frequently caught in a moment of being or becoming, for it is in that moment that all dreams are possible. ART Color brings life to my imagery. I work in acrylic, building layer upon layer of color. With this layering technique I’m able to achieve a simple but complex depth. The process is always unfolding, always revealing more. Strong color, shape and composition give impact to the imagery. My influences come from both traditional Western art and folk art. The result is a blend and balance that is my unique style. wom en