Romanian artist
Anda Gheorghiu
oil, acrylics
ABOVE Physics
Dream Of A Statue
A statue usually suggests coldness, indifference in
opposition to the human nature. But here, Venus is
inspired by the dream of being a living person who
loves, who explores the universe and lives between
holiness and sin. Surrealism, Dimensions 80 x 70 cm.
Multiverse Portal
This artwork reflects the realm of life: celestial and
terrestrial. The insightful meaning of the painting
is that the whole universe is apprehended in the
intricate psychology of the human being and it is
a very expressive metaphor of the communication
of the artist within the infinite Universe. Surrealism,
Dimensions 70 x 70 cm.
pag e
What is the matter? What is energy? How
do the various constituents of the universe
interact at a fundamental level? We can
predict the movement of stars. Physics enables
us to answer outstanding questions such
as those above. Knowledge is also power:
through a better understanding of these laws
we can improve the way we interact with our
environment. Surrealism, Dimensions 40 x 50 cm.