Abstract Acrylic Painting on Board
Dimensions 24x24
Beginning life as 1 of 4 paint-
ings called “Suite of Seasons,” the
painting was an almost solid but
textural cool red. A glaze of blue
transformed that layer into the
underlying maroon. The rest of the
process was as mysterious to me as
the Crab Nebulae I saw through a
telescope last fall.
Universal Spirit
Abstract Acrylic on Canvas
with Faux Encaustic Finish
Dimensions 30x40
Universal Spirit expresses my
world view and things I’m working
on. The overlapping circles are
our connection to one another,
and to the cosmic spirit as the
lessons and gifts come and go.
Underpinning it all is the energy
of the spirit, with the exchange of
giving and receiving. Our work is
to trust that the Universal Spirit
and human spirit will work for the
good, as we learn what we need
to learn on this plane.
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