Women in Art 278 Magazine July 2017 | Page 16

a m e rican artist Claudia Goodell Oil o n canva s Eleven Minutes After Midnight This came from an early sketch depicting musical instruments in a room which come to life after midnight. If you look hard enough you may see many representations of the number eleven in the piece. This number has been popping up in my life for some time now, so I incorporated into this concept of the magic that occurs in this room after the clock reaches midnight; in this case 11 minutes later. ABOUT THE ARTIST: I rediscovered my love for art after being diagnosed with ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia in 2005. Chronic symptoms forced me to rest, unaware that a new opportunity was blooming. Inspired by the nature, music, and people, I find it meditative and healing for me to express my experiences through narrative creations. I am primarily self-taught, but have developed my art skills through years of mentorship with Ricardo Chavez Mendez. ART pag e 16