Women in Art 278 Magazine July 2016 | Page 7

f r o m t h e e d i t o r


art shows events

We are changing things up here at Women in Art 278 .
First , have you noticed the new design for our website ? We unveiled to new design a couple of weeks ago . We hope you find it easy to maneuver and find it visually appealing . We love it – but of course , we ’ re biased . ( haha )
Secondly , we are expanding on the “ Events ” tab on our Facebook page . We believe it ’ s important for artists to support artists . What ’ s better than seeing if there is an art exhibit or call to artists in your area of the globe ?
Art shows are awesome for a multitude of reasons . First of all , it ’ s a fun excuse to get out of the house and mingle with like-minded people ( artists !!). Secondly , you may just meet an artist who inspires you or leaves you speechless . There are so many genres of art from fine art to performance art , contemporary art and other visual arts that have an ability to make our minds see things in new ways . So , consider art shows food for thought and nourishment for the soul . Additionally , as you network , you may learn about additional showcasing opportunities . You may have a new idea for a project . Seriously , the ways art shows make my mind go a mile a minute is such a wonderful feeling . Of course , we all react differently – one of the perks of art – so , go and see how it works for you !
If you have an art show , call to artists or something of the sort that ’ s an event on Facebook , share it with us so we can share it with our community . Our goal is to offer artists and art lovers an opportunity to explore their local art communities while also sharing it with our international community .
I travel often and sometimes I don ’ t know what ’ s going on in the city where I ’ m traveling . So , the events feed on our Facebook page may help people realize that there are cool things where they are traveling .
That ’ s what ’ s new with us . What ’ s new with you ?


Liesl Marelli Editor-in-Chief @ LBMarelli

ART women pa g e 7