american artist
Carol Law Conklin
Carol Law Conklin graduated from Massachusetts
College of Art and later studied printmaking at the
Museum School of Fine Art in Boston, followed by a
summer of studying in Rome, Italy. She developed a
strong printmaking style and went on to apply this to
wood-burning where figures in the wood emerged from
their hiding place in the grain.
It was later that she fell in love with the batik medium
while living in the Berkshire hills of Massachusetts.
Batik is a flowing, sensuous and soothing medium that
is an ancient method of painting on fabric with wax and
dyes. The wax acts as a resist and a batik may have
from one dye bath to twenty or more. The results are
always magic!
Carol’s batik have been exhibited in many eastern
United States galleries and also sold abroad. She works
with natural patterns, earth forces, cycles, seasons
and loves to portray animals. Much of her work relates
to fantasy, mythology and primordial themes.
She and her husband Richard have spent twentyeight years on a Jersey cow dairy farm called Amity
Farm in Washington County, New York, at the foothills
of the Adirondacks. Those years have provided great
inspiration for her work; Farmscapes,