Women in Art 278 Magazine January 2018 | Page 18

Polis h artist Elzbieta Petryka Manipulated ph otog raphy ABOVE Embrace Manipulated Photography Best print quality up to 76 x 54 cm. Facundo and Vanesa Manipulated Photography. Best print quality up to 114 x 152 cm. TOP RIGHT BOTTOM RIGHT LEADER Manipulated photography. Best print quality up to 76 x 57 cm. RIGHT PAGE Rehearsal Manipulated Photography. Best print quality up to 68 x 102 cm. ABOUT THE ARTIST: First, I started to dance tango. Then one day I just took my compact camera and started to take tango pictures. Now photography is my ‘night job’. I work as a photographer at tango and flamenco events: festivals, dance marathons, concerts, shows etc. I use on-location lighting which I rarely can adjust. When shooting I focus on capturing a beautiful piece of reality. I never create the scene. The reality of the picture is just an intermediate product. At the post processing stage I’m trying to create or increase the painterly feeling of the photo. For me it brings out the beauty of the moment even more. ART pag e 18