american artist
Avesha Michael
ceramic & porcelain jewelry
have been a ceramic artist and potter since I
was 7 years old growing up in Chicago.
At 8 years old my teacher told me never to
become a potter, (not knowing why at the time, I
took her advice to heart) and left it for most my
life. she meant the financial struggle of it, I didn’t
understand at the time, but it was my one love and
I didn’t want that.... so I only recently came back
to it missing the medium and needing contact with
when i’m away from it for many days, I dream of
throwing on the wheel, quite simply it’s my one
true love. I’m now starting to put my work out
there on a commercial scale. My porcelain jewelry and ceramics works come from the purest,
most organic place within me and it’s truly my joy
to share them with others.