Women in Art 278 Magazine December 2013 | Page 67

RT Cynthia Spencer of Spencer Work in Clay Functional & Sculptural Ceramics Corvallis, Oregon, USA [etsy] NicePots [fb] Spencerworkinclay [blog] vaseoftheweek.blogspot.com Dawn Dishaw of Dawn Dishaw Ceramics Functional Ceramics Easthampton, Massachusetts, USA [etsy] dawndishawceramics [web] dawndishaw.com directory directory Durga Garcia Photography West Palm Beach, Florida, USA [web] durgagarcia.com [fb] durga.garcia [blog] durgagarcia.tumblr.com Elspeth McLean Painting British Columbia, Canada [etsy] ElspethMcLean [web] elspethmclean.com [twitter] @ElspethArtist Gabriela Horikawa of HP and Associates Oil Painting Flanders, New Jersey, USA [web] hpandassociates.com [etsy] GabrielaHorikawa Jackie Carpenter of Jackie Carpenter Art Painting Alpine, Utah, USA [web] jackiecarpenterart.com [fb] jackiecarpenterart Laurel Fulton Landscape Oil Paintings Hinesburg, Vermont, USA [web] laurelfultonart.com Laurie Beringer Jewelry Designer Lakewood, Ohio, USA [etsy] NorthCoastCottage Liesl Marelli of Girona Consulting Photography & Publication Design West Palm Beach, Florida, USA [web] GironaConsultingINC.us [fb] GironaConsulting [etsy] GironaPrints Sarah Parys Mixed Media Omaha, Nebraska, USA [etsy + pinterest] yinsteadofi [etsy II] eastparlor Sarah Worthen of Bluebirrrd Dreams Artisan Jewelry Squaw Valley, California, USA [fb] BluebirrrdDreams [etsy] bluebirrrddreams Ilene Adams of Ilene Adams Fine Art Mixed Media & Photography Jupiter, Florida, USA [web] ileneadamsfineart.com [fb] ilenegruberadams Suzanne Stacy Abstract Expressionism Jacksonville, Florida, USA [web] stacyartworks.com [etsy + fb] stacyartworks Ilisa Millermoon Intuitive Energy Art Mooresville, North Carolina, USA [web] ilisamillermoon.com [twitter] @imillermoon Tatiana Cuneo Olhaberry of Birdienumnum Handmade Accessories ViƱa del Mar, Chile, South America [web] bnnstyle.com [etsy] birdienumnumshop [fb] birdienumnumfan Isabella Marzec of NatureLook Jewelry Designer Janesville, Wisconsin, USA [web] naturelook.net [fb] NatureLook [twitter] @NatureLook Zarema Mamedova of ZarasShop Abstract Landscape & Floral Art Brooklyn, New York, USA [etsy + fb] ZarasShop [e] [email protected]