canadian artist
elspeth mcLean
Painting is my way to find
my “happy place” and colour
is a way to express and
celebrate the colours of my
soul. By using bright and vivid
colours and intricate dot work
style, the artwork I create
becomes a direct expression
of my experience of life. I tend
to focus on the more uplifting
and beautiful aspects of this
world because I think there
is already enough darkness.
This mindset helps me keep
alert, in the moment and I try to see the positive aspect in
any situation.
Although I was born and raised in Perth, Western
Australia, I moved to Canada a few years ago. I am
enjoying living on the Vancouver Island. Island living with
a studio facing west over the ocean and the forest in my
backyard is a very inspiring for me.
My artwork is directly influenced by my life and what
surrounds me. Nature, the seasons, the animals that
cross my path, my travels and of course any mythology/
symbolism that I am interested in are expressed through
my artwork. I like to create paintings based on either
scenes I’ve had or witnessed or a feeling that I want to
express through image. I keep sketchbooks of quick
scribbles, a folder with colour combinations that I love and
scrapbooks of images that capture my imagination. I use
these as reference points when creating a painting.
Acrylic has become my material of choice because I just
love how rich and thick in texture it is. It allows me to
create my dot work thick and tactile while drying quickly. I
am a fast worker, I have so many different stories to tell,
that I need this medium to keep up with the flow of my
For the future I hope to get more into illustrating and
even creating a children’s book. I also plan to exhibit
more in public, especially solo, as I have been working
predominantly online the last few years.