american artist
Karen Lillard
aren Lillard’s journey as a painter
can be enclosed within the category
of Survivor Art, Intuitive, abstract,
abstract expressionism, and message
art. Her inspiration is derived from color
primarily combined with own experience,
emotions, internal intuitive mechanism,
and self analysis. Creativity and Healing
are the same Energy!
Karen is an individual who seeks depth
and intensity in all things. Her works are
abstract, expressive and meaningful.
Her favorite materials are acrylics,
pastels, watercolor and oil. The surfaces
she uses include glass, canvas, paper
and walls.
She started painting five years ago;
after a lifelong career outside of art.
Karen has had no formal training and
has developed her style strictly by
doing. Her pieces almost always are
created entirely with palette knife. She
chooses her palette and then begins
to move the paint. There is no plan,
no drawing, simply whatever is inside
revealing itself. Karen’s message art
creations incorporate quotes into her
paintings that have significant meaning
and are provocative and/or inspirational.
On November 8, 2014, Karen became a
survivor of a home invasion and sexual
assault. She has turned this experience
into one of creation and healing through
her work; which has evolved since that
day. Her focus is now sharing the story of
healing through art, art therapy, and giving
voice to the power of creating your way
through anything!
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