Women in Art 278 Magazine April 2016 | Page 34

italian artist Manuela Nicolini aqvacolor 4d A QVACOLOR 4D is the artistic expression of Creator Intention. It is an artistic expression developed through research, dreams and intuitions, created by the consciousness. AQVACOLOR 4D is the result of experimentation not only on materials and techniques that I use, but also on the “interior materials” such as thoughts and emotions. My work, in fact, is close to that of the alchemists that through the development of consciousness set out to act on matter. With AQVACOLOR 4D Consciousness and Art come together to create artworks that represents the physical manifestation of the principle /desire that I want to manifest and that “contains” and transmits the vibrations of the same principle /desire, whether for a health radiant, a harmonious relationship or economic wealth. In fact, I believe that each of our deep desire comes from the Universe or Supreme Consciousness that wishes to manifest through us. wom en ART page 34