Venezuelan artist
Carolina Bertsch
Oil and acrylic paintings
Biologist-Conservationist-Artist, I have
always been devoted and passionate
about our beautiful Mother Earth
– Pachamama – and its processes. I have
dedicated nearly half of my life to the conservation
of threatened wildlife species and their habitat in
the Amazon, in Venezuela and Brazil.
My painting developed through selfteaching and flows between oil, acrylic
paints, and more recently a fusion of mixedmedia and digital art. My inspiration: our
Mother Nature, endangered species and
their habitat, mandalas and many other
artistic expressions of indigenous and
native peoples from around the world.
I believe in art as a powerful vehicle to
carry messages about conservation and
respect towards our natural environment
and ancestral cultures. Each one of my
artworks is a small tribute, of my time and
energy, made with that intention.