american artist
Carol Cavalaris
mixed medium
I live in the middle of a forest in the high country of
Colorado, inspired by the beauty of my surroundings.
Painting wildlife and nature, color and detail, are my
passions. I have a fine art background in oil painting,
however I really enjoy the freedom of the digital
medium as it stimulates my imagination and offers so
many exciting possibilities. I explore art programs, like
Photoshop, still using brushes to paint, but now the
computer screen is my canvas, blending reality and
fantasy together to create my mixed media images that
I call “living art.” Many of the animals and flowers I
paint have a spiritual quality, with the power to heal
hearts and spirits, if one is open to their message.
I see the uniqueness in every living being as a gift to
be treasured, and so it is this need to capture their life
force, to enhance and celebrate it, that gives meaning
to my work.