Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Empowering Women Magazine - Spring 2014 | Page 7

Special Feature | 7 By Prophetess Jacqueline Ani Since January 31st 2013, there has been a ringing in my spiritual ear……..God is doing a new thing! “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it will spring forth, will you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”. Isaiah 43:18-19. We’re in a new season and God is using women to achieve His Purpose, His Plan and His Mandate. I am reminded of Moses in the Old Testament, who delivered the Israelites from Egypt, but he didn’t go into the Promise Land neither did the Israelites. A new season came when Moses died…. Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over to Jordan, you and this entire people, to land which I am giving to them – the children of Israel. Joshua 1:2 God was doing a new thing then and he was going to use a younger generation to achieve His Plan. Moses didn’t enter the Promise Land because of his old belief system and being set in his ways, the Israelites didn’t enter the Promise Land because of their lack of faith; and whenever there is lack of faith, then fear is very predominant. Joshua was young, open, amenable, teachable and most of all willing and God used him to bring the Children of Israel into their Promise. Whenever God wants to break new ground, He will use those who have yielded their hearts to Him, who are pure, humble in spirit, willing. He never uses those who look like they know too much, have credentials from here to the North Pole, who have accolades of successes following them, who appear on TV with a SPRING 2014 WOMEN EMPOWERRING WOMEN