Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Empowering Women Magazine - Spring 2014 | Page 5

CONTENTS 06 OPENING ARTICLE 06 God is Doing a New Thing 11 WOMEN STEPPING! 11 Valorie Burton Interview 18 HER STYLE 18 Nuggets to Freshen up your home for spring 24 Is developing a successful business the same as achieving purpose 28 Dressing Up Your Body Shape 23 WHOLENESS 34 Understanding your child’s love language 37 Two is Better than One Practical Tips to Help you 44 start a healthy nutrition 50 Making the most of Midlife Crisis 58 Is Happiness a Resident Feeling or Should it be pursued 61 The Obstacles Impeding the Success of some black women 70 Condemnation and Self Condemnation 76 LMPP Testimonies 80 SPIRITUAL ETIQUETTE 80 Walking out your Sonship 83 Being Relevant as a Young Christian Woman 88 Courage Will Never Let you Down 90 5 Business Kingdom Principles to Live By 93 A Woman’s Sacred Calling Speakers’ Profile SPRING 2014 WOMEN EMPOWERRING WOMEN