Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Empowering Women Magazine - Spring 2014 | Page 3

FROM THE EDITIOR Hello Ladies, It gives me great pleasure to present our Special Spring Issue of Women Empowering Women Magazine. WEW is a magazine for the Kingdom Minded Woman, promoting her style, wholeness and spiritual etiquette and in this issue we have a range of topics discussing areas in our lives that we need a refreshing so that we can see who we really are in Christ. I would also like to welcome you to our 3rd annual Empowered Woman Conference; A Woman’s Sacred Calling. This is a call out to you….Christian Women, precious of daughters of our Most High God of this generation to grow up to the call that has been appointed to you so that you are able to stand in the time of adversity because your children, the younger generation need you to hand to them a baton that has been tried, tested and has succeeded against all odds. I leave you with these few questions…… What legacy are you leaving for those you are impacting? How would you like to be remembered by them? Is what you’re building based on a solid foundation that will continue to stand when you hand it down? Be Empowered A Magazine for the Kingdom Minded Woman, Promoting her Style, Wholeness and Spiritual Etiquette. SPRING 2014 WOMEN EMPOWERRING WOMEN