Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Emowering Women Magazine Spring 2015 Issue | Page 3

From THE EDITIOR Hello Ladies We welcome you to our Spring Special Issue. As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we are reminded of all those promises that have been dormant in our lives, Jesus resurrected on the third day and so are those dormant promises that concerns our destiny, this is a period of resurrected promises for you. As we host A Woman’s Sacred Calling Conference 2015, we are delighted to receive you and look forward to what God will do in your life as He touches you, and prepares you to be a Vessel of Honour. God wants to manifest Himself in the earth and He wants to do it through you, so many women need reviving, restoring to the place where they can reflect their Father’s Glory. He wants this for all of us. We look forward to hearing messages from Pastor Bola Adefarasin, Dr Pauline Key, Prophet Oscar Guobadia, Apostle Deborah Edoyibo and of course myself Prophetess Jacqueline Ani. Breakout sessions cover areas of our lives calling out for wholeness. Finally we look forward to receiving testimonies, testimonies and testimonies. Be Empowered! Jacqueline Ani Editor In Chief – Women Empowering Women A Magazine for the Kingdom Minded Woman, Promoting her Style, Wholeness and Spiritual Etiquette. SPRING 2015 WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN