Cheryl Dyck
Coaching Consulting Training Speaking Author
What You Should Know To Get
Funds To Grow Your Business
Does the thought of talking about MONEY cause you to panic? Have you ever thought about what
options are available, and broken out into a cold sweat? Do you often feel that you are missing
out on opportunities to grow your business more quickly – if you just had the funds for better
equipment, tools and team members?
Do you know there are many options available to business owners to access the money they require to grow their
business? Getting the money you need to grow your business can be scary, but what if you knew going into it, what
your options are, how to be prepared, and what to expect. Would that help you feel more in control and confident? I
hope that answer is YES! Below are some tips to get you started and then you can reach out for more help.
Funding Options – Learn about the many funding options, how to access them, and what is different about each one.
The key ones are Banks, BDC, Grants (there are 1000s), Private Lenders, Private Investors, and Alternative Funding.
Understand the information you require – There is core information that all funding options look for – know what it
is, and have it all prepared before you start the process.
Numbers – Understand and know your numbers – Historical for existing businesses that are up-to-date and prepared
by a CPA, and 3-5 years of Projections.
Direction – Have a 5-year PLAN. I know most people hate doing business plans but it is
important to have a road map of what you are trying to do, what revenues will look like, and
what resources you will need to get there. This shows people you are strategic, organized and
confident in your direction.
Support – Have a team to support you. This team should include trusted advisors, accountant,
banker and business mentors. How do you know who to include? Having outside perspectives
and support for your business is key to your success.
Next Step? – Ask us for one of our complimentary assessment meetings. We
collaborate and help business owners and their teams every day to apply for funding,
gain the training they need, support their business growth, and strategically build their
businesses and teams. Money is a necessity to grow your business, so don’t be afraid
of it – embrace it! The rest is up to you. Let us be part of your support team and
ask us to meet!
“There are lots of choices and opportunities, but most people lack the
systems and control to get the outcomes they want.”
~Cheryl Dyck
Coaching Consulting Training Speaking Author
MSI Action Group - President, Certified Business & Executive Coach
Cell: 403.615.6440; Fax: 403.208.3242 [email protected]