WOAHSTORK EXPO EDITION December 2016 | Page 15

According to David , most people who end up with problematic loop systems do not incorporate an understanding of the laws of extraction as they experiment .
For example , extractors are always trying to find the balance between yield and end product clarity . As mentioned above , it is well known that adding heat increases yields . However , this heating process typically adds an unsightly darkness to the final concentrate . Since yield is directly correlated with profit and the clarity of a concentrate conveys consumer confidence , it ’ s natural to ask : “ How can I increase my target yield while also decreasing my dark matter ?”
You can limit the decrease of your target while maximizing the decrease of your dark matter by modulating both time and temperature and observing the resultant material and then adjusting appropriately .
However , David shares that it may not be possible to find that perfect balance if your target and dark matter are of the same polarity . Thus , changing your solvent is equally important during this experimental process . Without knowledge of such a law , refinement of could be fruitless .
Upon finding the right variables ( e . g . how much heat and how long to apply it ) to fit your extraction goals , you would have created an extraction formula , according to David . These formulas change as a function of your plant target . What doesn ’ t change , though , is a law of extraction . By learning these laws , extractors stand to avoid wasting time and resources on problematic loop systems that are trying , in vein , to change inflexible variables .
David makes the comparison to chefs when describing great extractors that know the laws of extraction . Just like how multiple chefs can follow the same recipe , but only certain ones will create amazing meals , extractors can employ the same process , but only those who have an instinct for extraction laws will end up with the highest quality material .
Understanding how heat works is an example of one such instinct . Adding heat to a solution increases their vibratory state by exciting the molecules within . This dynamic energy transfers back and forth across all the neighboring molecules , creating a space that allows liquids to move more freely . This phenomenon is most efficient when the materials is in a liquid form , as opposed to gas , since gas is not as dense and the molecules are less capable of influencing their neighbors .
The amount of energy transferred throughout this procedure is a direct result of the amount of heat applied to the solution . Different degrees of heat can act as a catalyst for chemical reactions ( both desired and undesired ) to occur within the material . Thus , the amount of heat added , and when it is added , is critical . We now know that energy from heat is most efficiently transferred when the material is in liquid form .
T12000 Extractor
Thereby , heat is more effective when your solvent is in a liquid phase and soaking into or around the plant particles you are extracting from . Adding in the concept that increased surface area allows for more efficient transfer , we can conclude that breaking plant particles into smaller pieces can help you accomplish the same tasks in less time and make your solvent more efficient .
A great extractor will be mindful of the fact that there is a large array of chemicals produced in every plant and each one is affected by heat and time differently ( or not at all ). David emphasizes that since extraction is such a delicate process and heat , time , and polarity play such a crucial role in your success , having the ability to control these parameters is essential . He likens it to driving a car and needing access to the brake , throttle , and steering while . Mastering those parts of the car should be done before taking the car on the highway . As a parting note , David also mentions that in addition to the laws of heat and time , extractors must also know about polarity and its role in the process . For example , the polarity of the target and the polarity of the solvent should be as matched as possible . Heat and time can limit or increase the effective degree that polarity can have on dissolving something out of a plant . Your solvent selection should be very selective – it should target something that is either very non polar or very polar .
By knowing the laws surrounding heat , time , and polarity , extractors can concentrate on their target without needlessly trying to break one of the laws . David is dead set on both helping to educate the community and creating systems that take into account the laws of extraction so that the community , as a whole , can progress efficiently .
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