Getting kids active and engaged by introducing games that challenge them physically and mentally . Having fun through movement is the number one goal .
Payton Tonnos – 11 year-old who loves to have fun and stay active ...........................................
“ I love the variety of activities that help keep the workouts fun and challenging . The coaches are encouraging and positive and training in the HPC helps me stay fi t and teaches me about the importance of being active - whether or not I am in season for a particular sport .”
Focuses on coordination , acceleration / deceleration patterns and energy system development without being too specifi c to the sport . The main goal for young athletes is to create a sound foundation to build on as they get older .
Dylan Wells – OHL Goalie Peterborough Petes ...........................................
“ Stepping into the HPC , I get a feeling of excitement . I look forward to every session I have and I know that every time I train , I ’ m getting better . I did not start my regimented training sessions until I was 15 . Every part of my game has improved , especially explosiveness and endurance .
Heavy focus on sport and position-specifi c training . Two main goals here are performance increases and injury prevention .
Jillian Gallays – 2016 Canadian Olympic Wrestling Team ...........................................
“ When I walk into the HPC , I need to stay focused on the task and I ’ m determined to put in maximum effort . Wrestling is a very damaging sport and it is important to stay in shape . Off the mat training helps with my strength , power , endurance , agility and functional movements . I started to commit to the gym about 10 years ago and I wish I had started sooner on functional movement training .”
Individual and group training options give adults the opportunity to step away from cardio and weight machines by introducing challenging movement-based workouts for all levels .
Alistair Harlond – Hockey dad and lifetime fi tness enthusiast ...........................................
“ My son , who plays hockey , and I both train in the HPC and always feel like we are lucky to work out in an environment where professional athletes train . The style of training in the HPC is customized , no two training sessions are the same and you see results much faster than if you work out on machines . It honestly makes work outs more fun .”