WO Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 53

BY: JANICE HUTTON Tech junky? Gadgets…phones…tablets…laptops…selfies… tweets…go – go – go…Sound like your life? Do you respond to every ping and buzz? Let me invite you to power down and refresh your soul. Try some of these off-the-grid suggestions to power down your lifestyle: POWER DOWN FRIENDLY FUN : GET MOVING For every 60 minutes of sitting you should get up from your desk and go for a walk to regenerate your body and refresh your mind. Sitting for long periods of time is hazardous for your health as it increases your risk for chronic disease and obesity. Moving reinvigorates your brain and your body. Leave your phone behind. No distractions. u u u u u u u FOCUS Change your personal email signature to read: “Please don’t feel obligated to respond after 5pm or on weekends”. This gives you and your co-workers permission to disconnect from work life once the day is over and encourages reconnection with your personal lives. After hours emails actually damage productivity, creativity and team morale. Give everyone time to disconnect daily. Buy a beautiful journal and fill the pages with funny doodles, a bucket list or plans for your next holiday – no googling. Research has shown that a tech-free walk in the woods can boost creativity by 50 percent. MAKE FAMILY MEAL TIMES NO TECH ZONES HOLIDAY OFF THE GRID PERMISSION GRANTED Clear your space of all technology and pay attention to one thing only. Read a book, colour, listen to the birds, watch the sunset (no photos!), work with your hands, dig in the garden, walk your dog (no headphones) and notice the world around you. It may feel strange to focus on just one thing, but in reality your brain function actually improves with a lower demand of information processing. Turn it off and tune in to the moment. GET CREATIVE For your next girls night, date night or couples dinner party agree that everyone pockets their technology for the night. It’s a great way to actually connect with others through uninterrupted conversation and lively debate. The first person to reach for a phone pays the tab! Plan an international trip without the expense of the offshore data plan. Just go with it. Rest, read, recharge and retool by taking time to sharpen your skills and refresh your creativity. Going unplugged is actually a very powerful experience. You can use hotel internet if you have to connect with family, but go to the beach, relax, enjoy and play. JANICE HUTTON THE CLUB CO-MANAGER AT THE CLUB AT WHITE OAKS, JANICE IS A VETERAN FITNESS INSTRUCTOR AND PERSONAL TRAINER AND IS A RESPECTED INDUSTRY SPEAKER. SHE HAS PUBLISHED NUMEROUS ARTICLES IN HEALTH MAGAZINES AND CERTIFICATION RESOURCES USED WORLDWIDE. SHE IS AN ACTIVE PARENT OF TWO YOUNG MEN. fall 2015 | wo magazine | 51