WO Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 36

all hail the mighty COCONUT many uses for it’s miraculous oil • and the • When I first heard of the ‘magic’ of coconut oil I kinda chuckled to myself. I mean, can this oil really have 101 uses like Chatelaine Magazine states or is this some kind of fad that will fade away like acid wash jeans (thank GAWD)?! As time passed I noticed that it didn’t fade away - in fact, it blew up! This new-found coconut religion seems to have become a way of life, so to speak. The science geek in me began to research what makes this oil so bloody wonderful. I must admit, I was impressed with the composition and properties of this regal oil. I learned that the benefits of coconut oil are mainly attributed to lauric, capric and caprylic acids amongst others, which make it anti-microbial, anti-fungal and antibacterial. When added to your daily diet it can assist with cholesterol level maintenance, prevention of candida growth (yeast), digestion, and strengthening one’s immune system. It even contains a natural SPF 4. It’s also a saturated fat, which in its natural state is one of the healthiest fats for the body. Approximately 70 percent of these fats are short and medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). These fatty acids do not require glucose to break down; rather they travel directly to the liver and are quickly metabolized. MCFA’s provide an immediate supply of energy and are less likely than vegetable oils to cause weight gain. Now, I wasn’t planning on changing my entire lifestyle overnight by subscribing to Chatelaine and moving into a hut made entirely out of coconut shells but I was curious as to how I could begin to use this in my own day-to-day life. I researched which coconut oils were the best to use (raw, cold-pressed) purchased a few and began my experimenting. I refer to this new stage in my life as ‘The Coconut Chronicles’. While I did not try all of the said 101 ways to use coconut oil, I did try quite a few and I’m happy to report that some have now become the gospel in my home. 34 | whiteoaksclub.com | fall 2015