FEATURES Lifestyle
Who’d ever think that
working in a fish market could be
reason for joy? Not me…but the
people who sling the fish around
at the Pike Place Fish Market in
Seattle make it the best career
going. Laughing, joking, teasing,
teaching, tossing the catch from
one spot to another (holy mackeral!) and generally exciting their
customers about the whole experience of visiting the fish market
is this company’s specialty.
Dive Into a Great Book:
Make it a novel - something that has a plot
line so good you’ll immerse yourself totally.
Don’t listen to music, watch television or
check your phone while you’re reading.
Be there in the moment as you read.
Learn Something: Take a
class, read a how-to book or watch a
TED Talk while you’re making dinner.
You’ll add to your knowledge and your
skill set, and give your brain a kickstart. Choose a learning attitude.
52 | whiteoaksclub.com | fall 2015
Their technique has been so successful, in fact, that they’ve created and
marketed a training program called the
FISH philosophy - a work/life theory of
adding value that’s swimming into the
psyches of people around the globe.
The basics are simple: Engage people
and release their potential. The strategies used are even more basic:
1. Play. 2. Make their day. 3. Be
there. 4. Choose your attitude.
While the FISH philosophy has become
the darling of the corporate world,
making work places happier and far
Connect With Family:
Even if you have to do it via Skype
or FaceTime, talk, tell old stories,
ask your kids what’s new and tune
in completely. There’s nothing
more valuable than those connections and keeping them strong requires time and effort. Be there.
Join In: Find a book club, a running
club, a gourmet club – anything that
will give you a chance to make positive
connections. Choose to be involved.
more productive, it’s equally effective
outside the office – in the home, at the
gym, in the club, at the grocery store
and on the street. It starts with an
invitation…to you, from you…to add
fun to every day and remember that it’s
not simply what you do, but who you
are while you’re doing it that counts.
We’ve pulled together a random
lineup of things to add value to
your life – some pretty FISHY stuff.
Take the bait and get hooked on
this plus-sized approach to life –
we guarantee you’ll have fun!
Treat Yourself Well: Splurge
on good stuff when it’s affordable –
good coffee, good tea, nice soap, great
chocolate, tickets to a really funny
comedy club. Indulge a little and play!
Find a Cause: Volunteer, donate, give blood, serve food at Out
of the Cold, clean out your closets
regularly and contribute to making
life a little warmer for others. Find
something important to you and be
there for people who need your help.