It’s Time For A
hh, Spring! That wonderful
time of year between the Spring
Equinox (March 19) and Sum-
mer Solstice (June 20) when everything
is warmer, colorful, and new again. With
Winter now behind us, it’s time to cele-
brate. Check out our 12 fun ideas to wel-
come spring and get this party started.
1) Frog Flop – You
will need two green bean
bags for each team and one
bean bag of any other color
for the game. You can sew
on eyes or decorate with
a marker to make them
look like a frog and
to differentiate for each
team. The first team tosses
out the colored bean bag. The ob-
ject of the game is to get your team’s green
bean bags as close to the colored bean bag
as possible. One point is given for the clos-
est frog. Game continues to 15 points.
2) Make your
own spring
bingo – This is
both an activity and a
game. Players are
given blank bingo
cards (check Etsy
or make your own)
and spring stickers.
Players can place
the stickers in any
square on the bin-
go sheet. When they are
done, play the game as
normal, calling out the ob-
jects found on the stickers.
8 WNY Family March 2020
— by Pam Molnar
3) Spring Hedbanz –
Write spring words like butterfly, tulip,
umbrella, on separate index cards. Pass
out an elastic headband to each player
and have them sit in a circle. Players are
given a card, but they may not look at it.
Instead, they wear it on their forehead,
held in place with the headband, with the
word facing out. Players ask and answer
yes and no questions to guess what
word is on their card.
4) Pick from the
Garden – Place suckers
(like Dum Dum pops) in a terra
cotta pot filled with moss or shred-
ded green paper over a floral brick.
The sucker sticks are marked with
different color ink. The game can
be played as a match game (with a
prize given) or as a task game. For a
task game, each color sucker stick rep-
resents a task category such as singing,
drawing or even spelling.
1) Tic Tac
Toe – Gather
river stones and
let the kids paint
them to look
like ladybugs and
bees. While
they are
you can
make a
board on
the back of
a small cinch bag with
colored tape or mark-
ers. When the stones are dry, they can be
stored inside the bag so they are ready to
play when you are.
2) Jelly Bean Towers –
Pick up jelly beans and toothpicks at
the store. Place kids in groups and have
them construct a platform. When they
are finished, give the kids ballots to vote
for best in several categories. Give priz-
es for the highest, strongest and most
unique designs.
3) Crystal Rainbows –
You will need glass jars, multicolor pipe
cleaners, Borax, hot water, and dowel
rods. Wrap the top part of several pipe
cleaners around a dowel rod that will lay
flat across the opening of the jar. Mix 3
tablespoons of Borax in a cup of boiling
water. Pour mixture into jars and insert
pipe cleaners into jar. Crystals will start
forming overnight. Remove when cov-
ered in crystals and let dry.
Canvas Painting
Class – This is a
spin-off of the Paint
and Wine events for
adults. Give all the
kids a canvas,
a brush, and