WNY Family Magazine July 2019 | Page 47

W hether your children are enrolled in school or plans are in the making, it is never too early to expose them to the love of reading, storytelling, and the benefits of libraries. Western New Yorkers are ex- tremely fortunate in that reading opportu- nities abound. borrow soccer or lacrosse kits. Even if a child has overdue fines or fees, or if their card is blocked from borrowing, they can borrow the equipment and completely erase those fines and fees. This new and exciting sports equipment borrowing program is funded through the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and Project Play WNY, and is only available at the Isaías González-Soto Branch Library. To see free summer reading programs and activi- ties at your local libraries, go to https://bit. ly/2QQFu4U This summer, the 37 Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries, and the Library On Wheels bookmobile, are prepared to support your efforts. Libraries are con- veniently located from one end of Erie County to the other, and, best of all, library services are free if you live, work, or go to school in the County. All libraries have dozens of Summer Reading programs along with WiFi and public computers for adults and children to use. Every library, unique to its neighbor- hood community, has hundreds — if not thousands of book titles for babies, tod- dlers, and school age children — plus, there are collections for teens, young adults, adults, and seniors. Popular parent- ing books abound, and if you do not see what you are looking for, ask a staff mem- ber because the material can be ordered if we do not already carry it. Too busy to head over to your nearest library? Consider getting a free eLibrary card. Anyone over the age of 17 can get an eLibrary card which allows access to the world of downloadable resources includ- ing thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, and databases through the library It is important to exercise the brain over the summer and an easy way to do this is by reading, storytelling, and play- ing simple games that require looking at words or pictures. Summer reading, which can be as simple as reading the cereal box or billboards along the road, is critical to a child’s continuing brain development. Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries Offer A “Universe of Stories” This Summer website. Topics range from home and family, health and wellness, taxes, legal, business, and local resources to national and international news, current events and much, much more. For eLibrary card infor- mation, call 716-858-8900 or visit: https:// www.buffalolib.org/content/onlineapp Summer should be a time for relax- ing, however for many parents, it is a time of stress with the kids home from school, juggling babysitters, and figuring out transportation to summer camp or summer school… the list goes on and on. Libraries to the rescue! No one should feel ‘bored with noth- ing to do’ this summer when your libraries have free programs, performers, concerts, carnivals, picnics and many other family- friendly programs including visits from the Buffalo Zoo, BubbleMania, reading contests and raffles, Super Hero Days and more! The Library’s Reada Book Owl encourages children to read! This summer, the Isaías González- Soto Branch Library (formerly called the Niagara Branch located at Niagara Street and Porter Avenue) will have a pilot pro- gram called “ Play Down Your Fines” where children under the age of 17 can In an effort to retain and strengthen skills and knowledge learned during the school year, children should be reading year-round. Numerous international stud- ies show that those who don’t read, or are not encouraged to partake in summertime reading, are at a real risk of falling behind their classmates when they reenter school in the fall. Also known as the ‘summer slide,’ you are doing your children a dis- service by having them begin their school year behind their peers. Today, schools send “suggested read- ing lists” home with students at the end of the year. Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries publish those lists on the Library system website at: https://www.buffalolib. org/content/all-about-reading/summer- reading-list. Additionally, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown offers a Summer Reading program (open to anyone whether or not they live in the city — there are great priz- es, too). The Mayor’s list of book titles (for pre-school to high school age stu- dents) is researched and created with the assistance of our children’s librarians and can be found here: https://bit.ly/2MAklxs For young children and babies, the Library System encourages caretakers to follow Read Aloud 15 which is a mini- mum of 15 minutes of reading to every child, every single day. This will build vocabulary and strengthen communica- tion and critical thinking skills as the child grows. So enjoy the weather while you can, and let the Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries keep you cool this summer! July 2019 WNY Family 47