WNiF Magazine - Winter 2018 Edition | Page 20

or 16 years postnatal. In fact you might find that it’s women with the older children that are living with what should be ‘short-term postnatal contraindications’ for years and no-one is talking about it. Tip: Ask about her birth and any left-over postnatal contraindications no matter what the age of her children. You may need to approach the subject gently but by asking... “Can you think back to when you had your babies; what kind of a birth did you have? Were there any complications? Tearing? Tell me about your pelvic floor? Did you have any specific post- natal care through a women’s health physiotherapist afterwards? Have you ever been assessed by a women’s health physiotherapist?” I ask all of my mums, no matter the age of their babies about their birth and early postnatal experience and often find they are living with incontinence or have a poor understanding of their body. Some of these women my suffer prolapse down the track that if they had been aware of earlier may have been avoided. Again I would be recommending your client see a WHP if she is suffering ongoing symptoms as there are many things they can do to help and ensure your training sessions are helping rather than hindering any problems. Safe Return to Exercise is designed to be THE fundamental learning for every Personal Trainer and Fitness Professional who wants to continue to train, keep safe and rebuild their female clients as they become mothers. The course is now also available to complete online. On a final note, remember, as a Fitness Professional you don’t have to ‘fix’ anything, nor are you qualified to do so, but I truly believe we are key conversation starters and can offer a degree of insight that could completely change a woman’s experience for the rest of her life through a few simple questions, recommendations and adapting her exercise and training to meet her where she is right now and ensure we ‘train to her weakest link’. If you would like to expand your knowledge in working with ‘mums’ contact [email protected] for details of the upcoming Safe Return to Exercise courses in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. The Safe Return to Exercise course is NOT your average pre and post natal course; How to Love your Body as much as your Baby is a book for every mum. Order your copy now. THE MOST AFFORDABLE INSURANCE IN THE FITNESS INDUSTRY. MORE INFO INSURANCE 20 WHAT’S NEW IN FITNESS - WINTER 2018