WNiF Magazine - Winter 2016 Edition | Page 26

H by Mark Louter aving a steady flow of new members joining your business is key for success but has never been so difficult within the fitness industry as it is these days. The game has changed compared to a decade ago and businesses need to adjust. The average acquisition costs for a new lead (potential client) has increased five-fold or even more. So the need to convert these leads to new members is more important than ever. Here are four key tips to sell more memberships. A ‘Nice to Meet You’ form Getting the details of every lead that walks into your business is a basic principle of selling more memberships. I’ve visited a lot of businesses over the last couple of years and came to notice that less than 25% of them took the effort to write down my contact details for a personal follow-up. ‘Nice to meet you’ forms (NTMY) are crucial within your business. If you already have a NTMY form, that’s great! Make sure that your front desk employee hands it out to every lead. If not, this is the first thing you should implement right away. A NTMY form is a contact form that asks your lead about their health and for their contact details like their name, email and phone number. As soon as a lead walks into your business, this should be handed out by your front desk employee (if you have one). The benefit of using the NTMY form is that your staff will always get the details of all those valuable leads so that you can guarantee a proper follow-up. A Needs Analysis Never make the mistake to show the lead your facilities right away before you’ve had a good conversation first. Sitting down with the lead to analyse their needs will help you give more value to your facility and/or services. A way to structure this needs analysis is by using the other side of the NTMY form and by creating the following categories on the form. Here are some great examples of powerful questions you should always ask: 26 WHAT’S NEW IN FITNESS - WINTER 2016