WNiF Magazine - Winter 2016 Edition | Page 16

Time management can be a challenge in any industry. Many people convince themselves that they are effective time managers because their diary is always full. But having a full diary doesn’t mean you are managing your time correctly; it merely means you have a full diary. Effectiveness (getting the right tasks done) is far more valuable than efficiency (getting a lot of tasks done). Poor time management can be the result of: • Poor ly defined goals: your goals help you to identify your priorities, and outline what it is you want to achieve and when. Without clearly defined goals, you don’t know which tasks to prioritise. • Indecisiveness: spending excessive time going over different options without coming to a conclusion will make every task that much longer. Having clear goals should help with this. • Procrastination: saying ‘I’ll take care of that tomorrow’ or waiting to do something for when you have ‘more time’ will inevitably lead to problems. Putting off a five-minute task 12 times a day is an hour lost, which equals five hours off your working week. • Perfectionism: spending too much time preparing or performing a task perfectly will cause you to perform much slower than you should be. There’s a big difference in time and not in results between performing a task well and performing a task ‘perfectly’. • Doing everything yourself: whether you are self-employed or an employee, there’s always tasks that can be delegated, automated or outsourced. Identify these tasks and remove them from your schedule. • Saying ‘yes’ to everything: it’s great to help others, but always saying yes will leave you with an excessive workload. Learning when to say ‘no’ can free up a great deal of time. 16 Poor time management can result in: • Poor punctuality. • The feeling of always being rushed. • Impatience. • Poor performance. • Lack of energy. • Extra expense. • Missed opportunities. One of the biggest reasons for a fitness professional leaving the industry is because they never got a grasp of their time management. Falling further behind, they give up and decide the industry isn’t for them, when all they really needed to do was a little tweaking. Setting realistic goals and healthy habits is all it takes to be a proficient time manager. While social media is an important tool for personal trainers, you need to be disciplined when using it or you’ll kid yourself into thinking that two hours on Facebook is ‘work time’. WHAT’S NEW IN FITNESS - WINTER 2016