WNiF Magazine - Winter 2015 Edition | Page 66

BUYERS’ GUIDE M 20 AY 15 AC H HO FI IEV FIT NANC E NE IA SS L ST W T LE RE O SS SS TRA FO IN CO R ING NC EP TI ON ON H JA UG CK H M AN FAM ILY ,C AR TION ATTEN EER , SK IN CA NC ER &L IFE IN NY C Sup po rted by THIS IS AUSTRALIA'S FIRST MONEY-MAKING MAGAZINE FOR HEALTH CLUBS! BUYERS’ GUIDE T he Buyers’ Guide section is specifically designed to help you make an informed decision about your next purchase. Use these features as part of your ongoing research, you may just highlight an option you previously never considered. In this issue, we showcase: • Business Resources • Equipment • Flooring • Lockers If you want to boost sales, reactivate expired members or supercharge your secondary spend then OH! Magazine is for you! • Marketing • Nutrition • Technology OH! Magazine is specifically designed for Australian and NZ health clubs to help them make more money! You can customise OH! Magazine and deliver multiple marketing, sales, reactivation and secondary spend campaigns (for example), as often as every single month! • Training Aids If you would like to see your product or service featured in a future edition, email [email protected] To find out more about how OH! Magazine can increase your bottom line, contact Analee by emailing [email protected] or phone 0411 314 503.