WNiF Magazine - Winter 2015 Edition | Page 22

JELLY-BELLY FAT Hormone responsible: Cortisol Cortisol is a hormone released by the cortex (the outer portion) of the adrenal gland when a person is under stress. It can be so destructive that cortisol levels are now considered a biological marker of suicide risk. Excess or continued high levels of cortisol contributes greatly to body-fat storage around the naval area. Why does cortisol increase weight in this area? When you are stressed, your body overproduces the hormone cortisol. As a result, your body holds on to fat. Since there are more cortisol receptors in the abdomen, when we are stressed, the body tends to hold onto fat in this area. This unhealthy visceral fat (the fat surrounding your internal organs), can also increase inflammation and insulin resistance in the body, further increasing body fat and creating a vicious cycle of fat production throughout the whole body. The risk of developing adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue as a result is also increased. Solution Stress less! Easier said than done sometimes, but worth the effort. Focus on adopting regular sleeping patterns, taking up light activities, meditating, connecting with others and new activities or professional help if required. If stress is unavoidable, try supplementing with magnesium. Taken in the evening, this will act as a cortisol blocker and help relax the body, relieving anxiety, too. I suggest starting with a modest dose of 300–600 mg a day, increasing up to 4000 mg a day if symptoms of stress and sleeplessness are still present. LOVE HANDLES AND/OR BACK FAT transport energy from carbohydrates (in the form of glucose) to the muscles for energy. Why does insulin increase weight in this area? Unfortunately, when we consume too many carbs, we produce too much insulin, which rather than being used for energy, gets stored as fat. Over time, this can cause insulin resistance, which means the body cannot tolerate carbs anymore. This is often reflected physically in fat distribution on the shoulder blades and the top of the hips, otherwise known as love handles. Shoulder blade skinfold thickness is also directly associated with carbohydrate intolerance and research suggests that fat in this area may, in some cases, help identify risk of type 2 diabetes in premenopausal women. Solution Once the body becomes insulin resistant, it goes into a meltdown. This can be corrected by controlling carbohydrate intake in the diet and taking EPAdominant, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fish oil, both of which can help increase your insulin sensitivity. In short, you will produce less insulin and when you do eat carbs, they will be used the way they should be – for energy! PEAR-SHAPED BODY AND/OR JELLY LEGS such as reproduction, menstruation and menopause. However, excess oestrogen can also be ingested from our environment, causing havoc with our bodies and body fat composition. The presence of cellulite is one indication there is an oestrogen dominance in the body. Why does oestrogen increase weight in this area? An imbalance in oestrogen levels can be caused by many different factors and will be specific to your lifestyle and age. However, one main cause that affects many women is the presence of xenoestrogens (or what we call oestrogen mimickers) from our environment (found in plastics, pesticides and parabens). These mimickers can latch on to existing receptors, which are predominantly found in the lower half of the body, causing fat to be stored in this area. To rid excess oestrogen from the body and in turn lean out your legs, try and avoid or minimise the toxins or oestrogen mimickers from entering your body while getting your body efficient at detoxing through the use of supplementation. To reduce the effect of xenoestrogens from the environment, try to limit the toxic load on the body by: choosing paraben-free products (check the ingredients list on your cosmetics, food products and pharmaceuticals) • ensure you drink lots of water • increase your intake of cruciferous vegies containing sulforaphane and indoles (such as kale, brussels sprouts, spinach and cabbage). We can also reduce the load on the body from xenoestrogens by supplementing our diet with: • a pharmaceutical-grade multivitamin containing zinc and B-vitamins – to help metabolise foreign oestrogens from the body, particularly from the liver and kidneys. • a probiotic and digestion support or HCL (hydrochloric acid, see below) – to support the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and help excrete oestrogens from the intestine. • flaxseed lignans – a good, plantbased oestrogen, flaxseed can bind to oestrogen receptor sites before the nasty ones get there, inhibiting further production. Sometimes fatloss is more than just about diet and exercise. Once you understand the hormones governing your body and how to control them you will start to become the master of your physique. buying organic fruit and vegies • Secreted from the ovaries, oestrogen is the female sex hormone that regulates the female characteristics of the body using glass or ceramic instead of plastic to eat or drink from • Hormone responsible: Oestrogen • Solution • Yes, a pear-shaped body is beautiful and feminine – and sometimes this is our natural shape – but sometimes we can have too much of a good thing. Same with jelly legs. Enough said! The kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract are all responsible for detoxing foreign oestrogens from the body so it is important that they function well. To speed up the detoxification process and clean out trouble spots: washing produce thoroughly with water. Hormone responsible: Insulin A major fuel-regulating hormone, insulin is secreted into the blood from the pancreas. Its function is to store and Sally Matt