WNiF Magazine - Spring 2017 Edition | Page 15

Is altitude training a replacement for normal gym sessions or in addition to ?
Simulated altitude training can be incorporated into an individual ’ s existing training program rather than being an additional form of training . SAT is ideal for cardio workouts , HIIT , circuits , group fitness and traditional weight training . It can easily be incorporated into an individual ’ s existing programme .
What ‘ above sea levels ’ heights are possible and safe in a simulated altitude training room ?
The ‘ above sea level ’ heights that can be simulated will vary with the specific setup of each training facility . Some SAT chambers are designed to simulate very high altitudes of > 5500m however most SAT chambers will be set between 2500m and 3500m ( or approximately 15 % to 13 % oxygen ) to enable people to achieve good results in a very safe environment .
What are three key benefits derived from the use of simulated altitude training ?
There are a number of benefits associated with SAT however the three advantages commonly associated with the recreational gym goer would likely be ; 1 ) improved aerobic condition and tolerance of high intensity exercise , 2 ) improved fat loss and cardiovascular health and 3 ) increased muscle endurance , strength and muscle mass development . Other benefits may include improved sleep , improved insulin and glucose sensitivity for weight management and body composition and potentially reduced appetite .
How long does it take to see results ?
As is the case with any form of exercise , how quickly you see results is determined by a wide range of variables including how often you exercise and for how long , what type of exercise you are doing , your nutritional intake , medications or other medical conditions , lifestyle and other habits . It ’ s very difficult to nominate a specific time frame in which people will see results . The key to achieving results is consistency .
Do I need to measure my blood parameters whilst training ?
Yes , during the pre-SAT exercise assessment , your health and fitness professional should measure your blood oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter , heart rate and perceived exertion passively and actively for future reference . Oxygen saturation is the measurement of oxygen levels in the blood displayed as a percentage of total oxygen carrying capacity ( sa02 %). The pulse oximeter is a non-invasive device placed on your finger that measures sa02 % plus the heart rate in BPM .
Should I consider simulated altitude training as an additional service at my gym or studio ?
In my opinion , simulated altitude training is definitely something I recommend for anyone looking to get the best results possible from their workouts . Whether your goal is to reduce body fat , improve cardiovascular endurance , develop lean muscle , ‘ tone up ’ ( drop body fat and gain or maintain muscle ), aid recovery after injury or preparation for an elite event such as a to trek to base camp in the Himalayas , marathon , upcoming football season or bodybuilding , SAT can be including in your exercise regime to optimize your results .
Foundation Altitude Training courses running now - fitnessscience . com . au