WNiF Magazine - Spring 2012 Edition | Page 60

WHAT’S NEW IN EQUIPMENT FISTBELLS ROW PERFECT Fistbells Alternative Free Weight Workouts Fistbells are new patent-pending hand-held free-weights, inspired by MMA. The unique weight distribution of Fistbells provides alternative muscle resistance with exercise versatility, further enhancing muscle confusion for workout routines. The goal was to develop a simple but unique and innovative product to enhance health club members’ fitness experience around the world, and Fistbells are that new wave of innovation. Fistbells are availble in 3, 4, 5 and 6 kilo weights. WHAT’S NEW IN FITNESS www.fistbells.com Introducing The Indoor Sculler – A True Revolution in Indoor Training! Sculling is unique. It uses – symmetrically - almost every muscle in the body, but with less cyclic movements per minute than virtually any other aerobic exercise, resulting in less wear-and-tear on the body. Although the muscle contractions are often at or near maximal, no gravity shoc ks the spine, hips, knees or ankles. The Indoor Sculler truly simulates sculling. The Limited-Tilt Seat enhances the coordination benefits of the sculling action by adding balance. It requires the rower to sit symmetrically, engaging the core muscles. This equalises the load on the spine by promoting correct spinal posture whilst exercising. The Indoor Sculler provides the ultimate core exercise. The core is engaged dynamically - as it should be: a link between the arms and legs. The 17kg Floating Mainframe reduces the inertial forces at the beginning and end of the stroke because body speed is six times slower than on a fixed rowing machine. The result is a smoother action—600% less shock absorbed by the user’s tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Train Strength, Endurance, Coordination and Balance simultaneously. Develop TRUE fitness and strength Faster & Smarter. 02 9939 9777 rowperfect.com.au PRECOR Precor Introduces Preva™ Net Latest networked fitness feature from Precor changes how exercisers engage with workouts Precor is proud to introduce PrevaTM Net, a new application that will forever change the way exercisers engage with their workouts. management tools, making Preva a powerful tool for attracting and retaining members. Preva Net is the latest innovation to the market-leading networked fitness solution, Preva. 1800 651 872 www.precor.com For years, cardio equipment has provided exercisers a typical lineup of entertainment options while working out: watch TV or listen to music. With Preva™ Net, your members will now get an enhanced fitness experience that entertains and informs, making their workout more fun and productive. Preva Net has been designed to deliver a wide variety of internet content carefully selected to give exercisers access to popular topics such as health and fitness, news, sports, technology, business and more, all delivered in a format designed specifically for the in-motion exerciser. In addition to popular internet content, Preva Net gives facilities the option of enabling web browser capability so exercisers can access their favorite websites during their workout. Preva Net can also expand your ability to communicate with your members. This unparalleled technology solution combines an enhanced experience for exercisers along with improved business C 60 WHAT’S NEW IN FITNESS - SPRING 2012 AMT Ad A