by Toni Krasicki
e all know that having a Certificate IV in Fitness under your belt means
you have completed the foundation qualification and acquired the skills
required to establish a successful career in the industry.
In order to really stand out from the hundreds of other
trainers gaining their qualifications every year, however,
PTs should consider completing additional courses. The
benefits of doing so are extensive:
You’ll expand your repertoire of offerings, which
means you might be able to charge more per client
(because your knowledge base is greater).
You will, potentially, attract a wider range of clients
with the more areas you are qualified in.
You can gain all the necessary Continuing Education
Credits (CECs) for re-registration at the same time.
You’ll qualify for insurance coverage in all those
specialist areas you are trained to deliver (always an
appealing factor for any hiring club or client)
The expenses incurred may be eligible as tax
deductions – speak to your accountant or financial
adviser to be sure.
The great news is, wherever your interests lie, there are
courses catering to all budgets and time constraints. You
can choose courses in nutrition, rehabilitation, massage,
kids’ fitness, indoor cycling or training techniques that
use specialised equipment such as boxing, kettlebells,
suspension trainers, BOSU, ViPR, Gymstick or Swissballs.
Courses can range from several hours to a few months,
and they c