Recruiting The RIGHT
ic Monteforte shares
her top tips to help
you identify the
right fitness people for your
vacancy – every time!
After years of recruiting are you still
scratching your head wondering what
it is that makes a great team member
for your gym? Have you done heaps
of interviews where you found yourself
thinking, “Wow this is the person for my
club!” and then only a week later they
don’t quite live up to the interview?
Do you often get frustrated with what
appears on a resume versus what you
get when you meet in person?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the
above, then you are not alone.
After 15+ years of recruiting for every role
there is in the fitness industry, I too have
felt your pain and frustration; however,
I’ve learned some basic rules that I now
stick by which successfully identify the
best employees for the job – and guess
what? They aren’t traditional tips either!
TIP ONE: Resumes tell lies.
A story I like to tell often when it comes
to the first person I ever recruited. His
resume had him as a part time shelf
packer for KMART and an artist. At
the time, I was in a start up club and
we were looking at a big team, so I
interviewed almost every resume I
got. Before the interview started I had
already made my mind up that this
candidate probably would not suit,
but I gave him a chance anyway. As
it stood, he did fit; in fact he ended
up being one of the most successful
employees I have ever recruited. So
why is more the point here? His resume
didn’t tell me how passionate he was
about the industry. It didn’t tell me that
he was able to strike up an empathetic
conversation with almost any person
he met. It didn’t tell me that he was the
master of entertainment and laughter
and it didn’t tell me that he needed to
prove his worth in the world. Had I have
thrown out his resume based on what
was on it, I would not have made my
first club anywhere near as successful; in
fact, he may have sold more than half of
the presales membership base! So don’t
throw away the resumes. Sometimes the
worst ones are the best candidates. Give
them all a call!