day-to-day use is rehearsing and going through parts using Multitracks . com Rehearsal Mix ( incredible tool for worship guitarists ).
[ WM ] Your thoughts on modeling units vs . analog pedals ?
[ Robby ] They each have their place . You can and should learn to make either sound excellent . With pedals , I run a mix , generally analog dry effects into digital wet . MIDI capability and presets are essential to me . With amplification , if possible , I run real amps ( we do at church ), but when I come into any situation , I want to do what ’ s best for everyone involved . Learn to collaborate with your sound engineers well , be flexible , and everyone will sound their best .
[ WM ] Can you list a worship album or two , that inspire your own worship guitar playing ?
[ Robby ] Jesus Culture ’ s Awakening : Live in Chicago and Live in New York have some of my favorite guitar playing on them . Long before I became involved with Jesus Culture , I was a young kid meeting with Jesus to those albums and butchering those guitar parts .
Also Josh Baldwin ’ s The War is Over and Bethel Music ’ s Tides .
[ WM ] Do you have any endorsements with guitar or gear companies ? If so , please tell us about them .
[ Robby ] No endorsements , but I use drives made by my good friend Jeremiah Justice at The Sound Of Justice FX . He ’ s the best kind of circuit geek , obsessed with guitar tone , and he ’ s an incredibly passionate follower of Christ . Check out his Reverb shop and DM him if you want to dream something up . He can make it !
[ WM ] Outline your “ live ” rig on stage for us . Guitars , amps , pedalboard ?
[ Robby ] Generally , at church , I ’ ll run my pedalboard ( see the gear list for specifics ) into a TA Link which runs to stereo amps in an offstage amp room . Typically , I run a late 90 ’ s , English made , Vox AC30 and a Fender Prosonic . These are mic ’ d up with Shure SM57 Unidyne III ’ s .
If I need to go digital , I have an “ amp board ” that ’ s built onto a Mono Pedalboard Lite . It consists of a the UAFX Ruby and Dream , a Pinstripe DISO + DI and is powered by a Strymon Ojai . I love this set up because it conveniently fits into the Mono Tick and attaches to my gig bag . I can treat it like I ’ m plugging into regular amps without changing anything on my main pedalboard other than some drive adjustments .
I also lead worship and play acoustic often . I have a Martin OM28 Modern Deluxe with a K & K Trinity . I have a small acoustic pedal board ( also built on a Mono Pedalboard Lite ) that has a Fire-Eye Red-Eye Twin Preamp , Peterson StroboStomp , and is also powered by a Strymon Ojai . I ’ ve played a lot of different acoustic pickups and the K & K is my favorite . This setup is also awesome because it requires zero batteries .
[ WM ] Words of encouragement or advice for other worship team guitar players ?
[ Robby ] YES ! Instead of trying to be perfect , learn to make good decisions . Serve the song and serve the moment . We all learn parts and aim to play them like the record , but so much of what we do is spontaneous , and the aim is expression … ultimately to glorify and magnify our King . Take your eyes off of your fretboard , watch your leaders , and tune into what the Holy Spirit is doing in the room .
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