WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 7

[ WM ] Tell us about how you got started playing guitar ?
[ Jeffrey B . Scott ] I had been taking piano lessons and for some reason I don ’ t remember right now , we had to stop them . So my Dad had a Mel Bay Learn to Play Guitar book lying around and I picked it up to try it out . That first day , I was able to play a simplified version of a Beatles song ( I wish I remembered which one !), and I was hooked !
[ WM ] Who were your main guitar influences ?
[ Jeffrey ] I grew up when Eddie Van Halen was on the rise , so I wish I could say him ! But I was a fairly sheltered kid , we only listened to Christian music in the house , so my influences came much later . The first guitar solo I learned was probably from Bob Hartman from Petra ! After that , lots of pop guitar players . It wasn ’ t until my 30 ’ s that I really started to focus on guitar and soak up influences like Eric Johnson and EVH .
[ WM ] You have played worship guitar alongside some notable musicians … Lincoln Brewster , James Duke and others . What is your strategy for arranging the guitar parts when two ( or more ) guitarists are on the worship platform ?
[ Jeffrey ] It starts with listening to what everyone else is doing . Simple concept , I know , but listening and adapting what I do to be something unique or different next to what another musician is doing is really the key to my approach . Some days , that means first position , big power chords . Other days , that means clean tone , big reverb , and long , stretched-out single note lines . But that is all about supporting the song and finding an open space to fill .
[ WM ] You also play outside the church . Tell us about your other guitar playing roles ?
[ Jeffrey ] Since 2016 , I have played lead guitar for American Idol winner , David Cook . I also play keys and sing background vocals , and often serve as musical director for the band . It was a challenge at first , but I ’ m definitely enjoying this season .
I have also filled in on occasion with the country duo , Locash , including a USO tour last year on lead guitar and background vocals .
[ WM ] Do you have a home studio setup ? If so , what are you using to record with ? ProTools ? Plug-ins ? Tell us about your studio .
[ Jeffrey ] YES ! I love PreSonus Studio One . I started out working with Digital Performer , then Pro Tools but since making the jump to Studio One , I haven ’ t looked back . Everything works like I expect it to , and that just makes it easy for me to get ideas going and recorded quickly . The Producer version of Studio One comes with a lot of great plug-ins from PreSonus as well as a ton of loops and sounds , so you can start right out of the gate . I use a lot of Waves plug-ins , but most notably , the GTR bundle and
BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ... 7