[WM] Worship Guitar Player Buyer's Guide 2023 - BG#7 | Page 8

Modeling Product : IK Multimedia ToneX | $ 399 I have been absolutely stunned by the ToneX ’ s ability to capture my amps to a near identical tone , feel and breakup … at the moment there is no better option to me . I got myself a stereo pair and plan to use them any time the amps I may show up to for back line are questionable or even if the room they are mic ’ d up in is undesirable . Buy at Sweetwater
Guitar Strings Electric : D ’ Addario NYXL 11 ’ s | $ 10
Brand of Capo : G7th ART Capo | $ 64 Buy at Sweetwater
Brand / Type Guitar Pick : Dunlop . 73mm Yellow 12 pack | $ 5.50
Favorite Worship Guitar Performance in a Song : Anything from Bobby Strand and Mike Pope from the Bethel Music Have It All Album . For me it ’ s not a matter of the flashiest solos . It ’ s more about intentional placement and tone . The way those two guys defined a genre of worship music is incredible and I still find myself a student of those parts to this day .
A Current Worship Album You are Enjoying : I ’ d actually rather refine this question to which worship song are you enjoying . Playing at the church we have a lot of songs we listen to , practice and play many times over . So it ’ s always amazing when one stops me in my tracks and makes me say , “ Wow ”. Recently that was “ Forever YHWH ” by Tiffany Hudson ( Elevation ). She led at Bethel when I was playing and sang that , and it was very profound . Lyrically and melodically it ’ s really beautiful . She spontaneously sang a line later in that set and said , “ Long after I ’ m gone , You ’ re still worthy ”. And it hit me in the heart . In the midst of so much hustling , it can be hard to step back and look at the grand scheme , and that line caused me to do that .
8 BUYER ’ S GUIDE December 2023 Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...