editor’s note
Wyoming is the land of adventure. That
seems like an obvious statement, given
our incredible outdoors. But it goes
deeper - in Wyoming, one can take on the
adventure of inventing (and reinventing)
one’s self. Through my husband Levi’s
and my adventure as entrepreneurs, we
have been inspired by many other people,
building their own adventures in business.
Others are adventuring into other areas,
creating programs for families, supporting
the local economy, speaking out about
important topics, maybe simply growing their own
adventures at home with family.
I think when we are a sparsely populated state, we
have an extra opportunity to exercise our creative
muscles. Our own creative muscle fl exing has led
to a lifestyle that has received laughs, sadly some
enmity with people that don’t understand us, and on
a positive note, new friends and acquaintances who
understand exactly what we’re doing. Fortunately for
us, the positive people far outweigh the negative - and
that comes from this Wyoming reality of creativity
too. Our inventing of ourselves has now turned into
this awesome experience with our magazines and
bridal expos, and in Laramie specifi cally, a dance &
performing arts center, an indoor fun center and a
dance gear retail store with which we’re also lucky
enough to travel our square state, meeting dancers
all over. We’re not alone in this adventure - but we’re
so blessed. I just don’t think this busily full, blessed
life could have happened anywhere other than in our
own square state.
love summer. I enjoy all seasons for
different reasons, but I love summer.
I love the sunshine, the smell of
growth and warmth, the colors. I love
the adventure - it intensifi es over
Wyoming history demonstrates that this is not a
new trend. Many early residents became ‘jacks of all
trades’ as they discovered needs within their growing
communities. Women rolled up their sleeves to start
schools and church programs and run businesses as
they grew their families, in ages where women’s lib
wasn’t even on the radar. Everyone helped, because
every hand was needed. Creativity was rewarded
with a bustling, growing, vibrant community. The
same remains true in Wyoming today, whether you
live in one of our larger towns or a small rural village.
So here’s my challenge to you, our valued reader
-- how are you inventing (or reinventing) yourself?
Your life is an ever-changing canvas. Paint on it
- paint over it – change your colors, change your
perspective - make it bold and beautiful. Seize your
opportunity - invent yourself today!
Til Next Time,
Kati Hime