WLM | history
The Panic
“… endangering the life of numerous citizens … a number not realizing
the danger lingered to look after things about their homes and were
caught in the fl ood, and had to wade a current of water waist deep.”
-Buffalo Bulletin, June 13, 1912
There were numerous individuals on Main Street that night who were
caught unaware by the fl ooding of Clear Creek. Edith Chappell and
her daughter Alice, living above the family jewelry store, were rescued
through the windows of their home with the aid of fi remen and a ladder.
A Mrs. Gantz, who was left behind at the Occidental Hotel, panicked and
jumped from a window into the water. She survived only because C. P.
Jones threw a rope to her and pulled her out of the current.
Robbie (Rodney) Childs, 32 years old, drowned while crossing the creek
after helping care for his sister, Mrs. Adele “Addie” Markert. The water
was fl owing so fast his body was not recovered until it was some distance
below town.
Many Main Street structures, especially those on the west side and north
bank of Clear Creek, were destroyed.