WLM WLM Summer 2018 | Page 21

WLM | my Wyoming craving “This book offers both proof and hope that, by working together, we can protect these last intact natural wildlife corridors and allow these animals {to} carry out the migrations that are essential to their survival,” notes Braided River Executive Director and Mountaineers Books Publisher Helen Cherullo. Yellowstone Migrations by Joe Riis is published by nonprofit publisher Braided River. It is available in bookstores everywhere, and for order at mountaineersbooks.org and braidedriver.org. More information on the book can be found at yellowstonemigrations.com. W L M About Mountaineers Books An independent, nonprofit publisher based in Seattle, Washington, Mountaineers Books has crafted award-winning books on outdoor recreation, travel and adventure since 1960 with the publication of Freedom of the Hills, now in its 8th edition. Including imprints Skipstone and Braided River, Mountaineers Books has nearly 700 books in print and/or e-book. www.mountaineersbooks.org F RIDAY , J ULY 13 & S ATURDAY , J ULY 14,2018 F RIDAY - 6. P . M .-M IDNIGHT : AT "B LOCK P ARTY " D EPOT P ARK , 4 TH & F RONT L IVE M USIC BY W HISKEY ' S A LIBI S ATURDAY - 9 A . M - 4 P . M .: W YOMING V ENDORS * O UTHOUSE R ACES * P ONG -A-P ALOOZA K IDS A CTIVITIES * E ATING C ONTESTS * AND M ORE C EDAR S TREET F OR IN D OWNTOWN A LIST OF FULL ACTIVITIES AND MORE INFORMATION , VISIT WWW . DOWNTOWNRAWLINS . ORG OR CALL 307-328-2099 P RODUCED IN COOPERATION THE C ARBON C OUNTY V ISITORS ' C OUNCIL www.wyolifestyle.com WITH 19