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they’d know how to read but must have missed the third
grade. It’s just people’s curiosity and self-satisfaction
that overrides their common sense,” Deon says.
Deon’s days for enjoying his castle almost came to an
end when he nearly died in an avalanche, buried inside
his truck. He was coming back from Jackson when
the avalanche hit. His brother, who is also his business
partner, was with him and dug a hole down to Deon’s
mouth so he could get oxygen. They were upside down
in the truck for 45 minutes. Oddly enough, he had three
dreams shortly before the incident that he was going to die
in an avalanche – and then it happened. But the nightmare
didn’t end the same. “It was a horrifying experience! I
shouldn’t have lived through it -- kinda weird that I did.”
With that experience behind him, a beautiful family,
successful career and incredible architectural
accomplishment in front of him to reside in, I asked
Deon if there was any philosophy that he lives his life
by. He replied that he taught his children that they can
do anything they believe in. “What you do is up to you.”
If they follow their Dad’s example they will do well. W L M