WLM Winter 2016 | Page 32

WLM | community THERMOPOLIS ARTSTROLL Local Art for Everyone By Ellen Sue Blakey, Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation Images as noted A Courtesy Thermopolis Independent Record rtStrolls, gallery walks and other special events have blossomed across the state in the last few years. One of the most successful is in Thermopolis, a quaint rural community whose biggest claim to fame is Hot Springs State Park, Wyoming Dinosaur Center and the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival. Exposing kids as well as adults to art is one of the unique features of the ArtStroll “The Second Friday ArtStrolls started as an effort to draw attention to our local artists,” says Toddi Darlington, who heads up the ArtStroll effort. The Strolls are held on the second Friday of each month, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Most downtown businesses are open, and they host one or more artists in each store. Courtesy Thermopolis Independent Record “We have many people who grew up in this agricultural community learning older crafts and skills from friends and family -- quilters, basket makers, metal workers. We also have people who have moved here, bringing other skills; plus we’ve had artists from around the state who have participated -- that makes for an eclectic mix of crafts and fine arts,” Darlington explains. The ArtStroll was the brainchild of the Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation, a local not-for-profit organization dedicated to lifelong learning and community support. The Smoking Waters Art Guild -- a subcommittee of the Foundation -- is responsible for organizing the activities. Artists demonstrate their crafts and skills as part of participating in the ArtStroll 30 Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine | Winter & Holiday 2016 “The Strolls have created an awareness of the arts in the community and for visitors,” says Darlington. “It has helped create interest in our downtown businesses, which has helped the local economy.