WLM | my Wyoming craving
are happier and healthier the more time they spend in
nature, even if it’s just a walk through the local city park
or reading a book under a tree. But a lot of people never
see the outside of a cubicle. Many children never get to
see a real forest. It really kind of depresses me to think
about sometimes. So ever since I read that book, I have
wanted to find a way to help people reconnect with
nature. Photography has become that outlet for me.
WLM: Is there anything about being a photographer
in Wyoming that connects with this idea? More so
than say if you lived in a busy metro plex? (Or maybe
that wouldn’t matter if you did?)
BZ: Wyoming is beautiful. I can walk out my front door
and see the Wind River Range. I can be in a National
Forest or Wilderness Area within an hour or two of my
home. There aren’t many places you can say that about.
I grew up in the suburbs of Kansas City and I used to go
to the local county park at least once a week. That park
was great and I loved it, but I think most people would
agree that it’s just not the same. Another great thing
about Wyoming is the amount of public land. Being from
Kansas, it wasn’t something I was used to. Only about
2% of the land in Kansas in public, compared to over 50%
in Wyoming. The access to so many natural areas really
makes Wyoming unique and a photographer’s dream.