WLM | history
henever I research a historical feature, I
find myself lost in the fascinating photos
available at the Wyoming State Archives. It
is such a treat to walk into the archives, sign myself in
and request a folder. The basic green folder that arrives
may look pretty unexciting, but to me, it’s a little time
capsule, and my white gloved hands can’t wait to dig
in. I often over extend my time budget, whispering to
myself in the corner, (‘Whoa!’ ‘Wow…’ ‘I wonder what
happened there…’) and probably raising an eyebrow or
two from people wondering why this lady’s so excited
over her green folder.
When it came to deciding the historical feature for this
issue, I chose to focus on one community, searching for
some fascinating photos of that area and giving you all
a little taste of my time capsule, green folder fun. My
exciting task set out for me, I entered the archives, and
February 22, 1932: ‘Planting tree on George Washington’s 200 th
anniversary, George Washington Memorial Park, Cody, 2-22-32’
[Sub-Neg 5699, B-782, Cody, Wyoming State Archives]
Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine | Spring & Early Summer 2017