WLM | adventure
and view for miles are awesome
and I found myself craving more
with each vista. Farmlands, fields
and neighborhoods become colors
while mountain trees, valleys, sky
and clouds become brush strokes
on the canvas that was before me.
It was beautiful beyond words.
My experience would only have
been made better by having control
over the vessel that brought me
there. Again, here are my issues
with control but with good reason.
Perhaps it was the small turbulence or the frequent
change of view from the lens of my camera but
either way I could no longer ignore the fact that I
was going to vomit. How could this happen?! I was
prepared, I knew the physiology and I took control. I
wasn’t going to be that guy…or was I? Yup, I guess
so. Having relieved myself out the small window of
the cockpit, I sheepishly informed my pilot that I
had painted the starboard side of his antique airplane
with my stomach contents. Graciously he asked if I
was ok and if we needed to land but to my relief, I
now felt fantastic. So, we journeyed on.
Arriving back in Alpine, I was ecstatic. What a thrill!
What an experience! The thought I had while we
hosed off the tail section of the Piper airplane was that
combination of photography and flight was everything
I had hoped it would be, and more. I can see now
what motivates him to do what he does. I left feeling
privileged to have been able to witness and experience
firsthand the human experience of aerial photography
with Garrett Fisher. W L M
Jake Care
Owner / Technician
Minute Man Supply, LLC
Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine | Autumn & Holiday 2015
Garrett Fisher will share his view from the heavens
in WLM in future issues, without the risk of gastric
distress. So stay tuned – and if you want to check out
Garrett beforehand, browse his book selection for
your favorite Wyoming photography aficionado and
follow his blog, visit garrettfisher.me.