Wednesday’s WKW Eating Competition challenged participants to wolf down a whole McChicken burger, a cup of corn (without lifting the cup) and a mini pack of Lays Classic potato chips, all in the shortest time possible. The two winners, Eunice Tan and Isaac Tan, walked away with $30 worth of Starbucks vouchers each, and of course, bragging rights as the fastest female and male eaters in the whole school. Meanwhile, another game had been running since Monday—WeeKILL, a game of stealth and assassination, with kills made based on information about each participant’s characteristics. Throughout the four days, participants ‘assassinated’ each other and at the same time, bonded with schoolmates whom
they may not have spoken much with. It was on Thursday, before Talentime, that the game finally ended. The winning assassins were then announced and presented with $100 worth of Capitaland vouchers. The fun did not end there. WKW students were encouraged to form groups to perform and compete at Talentime for another chance to win a set of $100 Capitaland vouchers. The audience cheered on, fuelled by beer and food provided by CI Club and the ad-hoc committees, to performances by their friends, that ranged from acoustic, to R&B rap and 90’s music. Students also tested their mettle in the on-site Kinect games such as Guitar
Hero and Dance Central. The CS Awards commenced immediately after Talentime. On the day before, all students were asked to cast their votes for 12 categories. That Thursday night we saw the crowning of 11 individuals and one group for being the best in their category, as well as the three individuals who were dubbed best Dance Central dancers. The CS Week finally came to a close on Friday with a session of WeePE, where a range of games were played, including our very own version of Running Man. The WKW population, juniors and seniors alike, certainly bonded over the week of food, fashion and fun. Wee look forward to another CS Week come 2014!